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来源:北京朗阁 2019-03-25 17:52:01 编辑:北京朗阁小编 1046人看过





Part 1

1. What would Chinese people like to drink, tea or coffee?  

Sample Answer

As far as I can see, Chinese people like to drink tea more than coffee. Tea drinking is a tradition of my country that has lasted for at least 2,000 years.  2. What will you prepare if someone visits you, tea or coffee?

Sample Answer

I think tea would be more appropriate. Even though my guest are mostly people of my age who’d like to have a cup of coffee every now and then, some of them still think that coffee is too strong or bitter to them. So I think it’s better to serve the guests with tea.



3. Do you like sharing?

Sample Answer

Of course. I really enjoy sharing with others. In my daily life, I tend to share some interesting experiences or news with my family members through WeChat or video phone calls. Also if I have something od, I am inclined to share them with my friends. In return, my friends will also share similar things with me.


 4. Is there anything you don’t want to share with others? Why?    

Sample Answer

Yes. I think that must be personal privacy. Although I am really willing to share nearly everything with others, telling other people something private is unacceptable for me. For example, I don’t want to share others with my family privacy. There is a famous Chinese saying that every family has a skeleton in its closet. Perhaps that’s the reason why I am unwilling to do that.


5. How often do you drink water?

Sample Answer

Um, it’s hard to say, maybe seven or eight times a day. I tend to drink water when I feel thirsty in my daily life. Sometimes, I also intentionally require myself to drink water, as some online scientific reports I read before claim that drinking water frequently is beneficial for people’s physical metabolism. So I drink water from time to time during the day.


6. Which one do you prefer, bottled water or tap water?

Sample Answer

As for me, I prefer bottled water. Coz’ I think bottled water is really portable. Each time I want to take some outdoor activities or have classes and meetings, I am used to carrying bottled water with me. Whenever I feel thirsty, I can just take it out from my backpack and quench myself. Hence, I like bottled water more than tap water.  

Have you ever felt thirsty but have no chance to drink water?  

Yes. Last year, I was a volunteer to provide hotel reception service for foreign visitors in a school cooperation project. For the whole morning, I stood near the reception desk to assist hotel staff to welcome those foreigners. Since there were more than a hundred people, I worked for the whole morning without drinking any water.


Part 2&3

1. Describe a public place that you think needs improvements You should say:

Where the public place is

What it is like

Why you think it needs improvements  

And explain how to make it better


Sample Answer

Speaking of a public place that needs improvement, the first place came to my mind was a public park near my home. The very last time I visited there was actually two month a with my mom. Since the first day I moved to this community few years a, I’ve made a kind of rule to for a stroll after dinner. The tranquil environment allows me to temporarily escape from the concrete buildings, noises, and intensive workloads. Especially when I walk along the path surrounded by tress, bushes, and blossoms of different kinds of flowers, I feel so refreshed.


However, right now what imprints in my mind is not the stunning view any more. Instead, it is the awful public sanitary condition of the restroom. Last time I wanted to use the restroom there, it almost took us 20mins to find it. I don’t understand why a restroom is hidden somewhere in the corner of the park. But that’s still not the point. When I finally found it, I was almost killed by the stink smell of urine. You have no idea how disgusting it was.


I believe the vernment should take action to make some improvements on the public park. For example, the vernment could hire more workers to clean the restroom more frequently, and even build up a brand new one in a new place coz the current restroom is really hard to find.


Part 3

1. Are there any public places in China?

Sample Answer

Yes. There are plenty of public places in China, like malls, parks, and public squares. People of different ages have different preferences. For example, Teenagers and young adults prefer ing to shopping malls coz they can either shop there or enjoy a meal there. However, parks might be the middle-aged and the elderly’s favorite coz in China they like to take a walk after dinner and even do exercises in parks.


2. Do you like to exercise in public places, such as parks?

Sample Answer

Totally. I think that’s exactly the place where I wanna coz obviously it’s quiet. I can stay away from the noise of cars and the crowd. Plus, the environment of parks is way better than that of those concrete buildings coz there are not that many people coming and ing around me. More importantly, I can be surrounded by trees and flowers, which helps me to un-wind myself after a busy day at work.


3. What measures should vernments take to keep public places clean?

Sample Answer

Well, the first measure that comes to my mind is to make some regulations. To be more specific, if someone breaks it, like discarding litters or some-thing, they should be fined. In that case, I believe the vernment could somehow restrain some bad behaviors. Besides that, the vernment could also set up some warning signs to warn the public against those immoral behaviors.  


2. Describe a time when you found something that someone lost

You should say:

Who it belonged to

When it was lost

How you found it

and explain how you felt about it  

Sample Answer

When I first see this question, the first event that occurs to me is the time when I found the iPhone that my roommate left in our classroom.


I remember that day very clearly because that was my 20th birthday. My roommate told me that she was ing to prepare something very special for my big day after school, so I was quite excited and happy. On that day all I could think of was how to celebrate with my friends, where we should to eat and what we would eat. I think my roommate was even more excited. The minute we heard the bell rang, I saw her rush out of the classroom, then I noticed that she had fortten her iPhone on the desk. It had never occurred to me that she was such a careless person and I was genuinely surprised that time. When she came back (about 5 minutes later), we both looked into each other’s eyes and laughed out loud. She apologized for her recklessness and told me she had prepared something especially for me. Thus, she had a lot on her mind and fort about her phone. Although it’s been almost 7 years, I still feel very touching and whenever I think of the ridiculous but very thoughtful gift that she and my other friends had made for me I feel like I was a college student again.



Part 3

1. What kinds of people may lose things often?

Sample Answer

Careless people often lose their stuff. In our daily life, we frequently see some people looking for their pens, mobiles or keys. They are careless about almost everything in their life or they are just too busy with their work or study so that they constantly lose their stuff.



2. What can we do to prevent losing important things?

Sample Answer

In order to prevent losing stuff, especially those important things, people have a few things to do. The first one is writing down the locations of important items on a memory pad. The second thing to do is remember to check all the belongings before leaving any room. In that case, the probabilities of losing stuff and forgetting about things will decrease.



3. What would you do if you saw something valuable but didn't belong to you on the street?  

Sample Answer:     

If I saw something valuable, which did not belong to me, on the street, I would definitely turn in to the police. I think policeman is the one that most people would seek help from if they lost their important belongings.



3. Describe something you do regularly in your free time

You should say:

what it is

who you do that with

why you do that

and explain how you feel after doing that.

Sample Answer

Sample Answer

To tell the truth I don’t have too much free time because of all the pressure from study, but if I do have some spare time I will to the gym to practice boxing with my coach.  

Well, I know boxing isn’t a typical thing for a girl like me, but ever since I started this sport I couldn’t stop doing it. I instantly fell in love with it. So, whenever I had time, I would definitely practice boxing. I remember the first time I saw this activity was in the gym when I was doing exercise as usual. A girl was doing boxing next to me. I was drown to this kind of new and exciting sport immediately. I think boxing is chic and cool. So, the next thing I did was sigh up for the boxing classes and later I realized that boxing had already become one of the most popular exercises in our city and even the entire country, especially popular among young girls. I have to admit this kind of sports is quite demanding for strength and the sense of balance. After a few beginning classes, I was exhausted and every inch of my body was sore and painful, but I still felt worthy of doing so. Because of boxing, I think my body is healthier and stronger than before.



Part 3

1. What’s the daily routine of people in common?

Sample Answer

Different people have different daily routine and most people’s every day life is made up of two parts. The first part is about serious things in their life, either studying or working. The second part is about entertainment because recreation can help people get away from their daily stress, and then they can forget about worries and distress.


2. Do people have a rest in the afternoon in your country?

Sample Answer

Yeah, most people in my country have the habit of taking a nap in the afternoon, and I think this is a very healthy way of living, because people usually feel tired after three or four hours of consecutive working or studying and taking a 30-minute nap is the most effective way for them to get refreshed.


3. What are the differences between men and women in what they do in free time?

Sample Answer

Men and women tend to do totally different things in their free time. Some men just stay at home and play some on-line games on their computers, while others are sports-lovers, so they usually to the gym and work out. On the other hand, women are more prone to shopping either on the Internet or in the shopping mall.


4. Describe your grandparent’s job.

You should say:

what the job is

how he/she t the job

how long he/she kept the job

whether you want to do the job or not if you have a chance


Sample Answer

My grandmother is a teacher in a high school that used to send many graduates to top universities in our country as well as abroad. Most of the children in our city are proud of getting into this high school because it is like a guarantee for the future.


My grandmother has been working as a math teacher for nearly 40 years. When she was young, she found herself really into math and enjoyed dealing with complex math problems every day. At that time, she was the only one who could answer questions that were set for students in upper-level classes. In order to devote to math later in her life, she chose math as her major and started from being a teaching assistant after graduated.


I have seen her staying up till midnight preparing for classes and correcting the homework of her students, and I have seen her wrinkled face after these years’ dedication to her career. So, although I think teachers are important in shaping the character of students and cultivating their abilities, I’m unwilling to take a job as she did. I’m not sure I’m selfless enough to devote all my life to such a demanding job.


Part 3

1. What do you think is the most difficult job?

Sample Answer

In my mind, it is the most difficult to be a policeman. This is because a strong and fit body is needed and much danger is involved in this kind of career. Whenever there is crime, policemen have to stand out and stop the criminal immediately. If there is a natural disaster, for example, flood or earthquake, policemen have to protect the citizens by putting themselves in danger and threat.


2. Do you think whether people can deal with two different things at the same time or not?

Sample Answer:     

Of course. Training is necessary for employees especially for those who have been worked for the company for a long time. As time changes and technology advances, the newly-developed machines are equipped in the company and more talents flood into the industry. In order to cope with the fierce competition, staff should take classes and learn about new rules, methods and other knowledge in their specialized field.


3. Are there any difficult jobs in China?

Sample Answer

Sure. For example, people who deliver ods or takeaway food have to work every day regardless of weather, time and road condition and they are always blamed for not sending things on time. Once they receive any com-plaints, they will see a reduction in their salary and even lose the job. So it is extremely difficult for them to make a living.


5. Describe an outdoor sport you want to do for the first time

You should say:

what it is

how you will learn it

what equipment you will need to play

when you do this sport

and explain why you want to do this outdoor sport

Sample Answer

Speaking of an outdoor sport I want to do for the first time, the first thing that comes to my mind is snorkeling. It is not only a sport, but also a kind of leisure activity.


About how I will learn it, being able to swim must first. Even though some people say that having a life jacket is safe enough, I still believe swimming is a must skill for snorkeling. I may also find an instructor to guide me through all the notices on security when I to different islands. After this, everything will be easy. I just need to put on the equipment, and get ready to snorkel. As far as I know, snorkelers are usually equipped with a diving mask, a breathing tube, and swim fins.


Why I wanna to do this sport, well… Actually, I have seen a lot of videos and pictures about snorkeling, and I was blown away by those incredible sea creatures down there. However, I have never tried snorkeling before coz I can’t swim. Therefore, every time when I saw other people snorkeling by the sea, I could only envy them and wish that one day I can enjoy the spectacular underwater world myself.


Part 3

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor activities?

Sample Answer:     

Um. Obviously, the one thing that really stands out is that it is a od way to get relaxed and enjoy life coz outdoor sports are often in natural setting out of town, like cycling, camping, surfing, rock climbing and so on. At the same time, people can stay away from the hustle and bustle and immerse themselves into the peaceful natural world.  

However, I guess the most negative aspect would be uncertain factors, for example, the unpredictable weather may dash all plans into pieces. 

2. What’s the difference between playing sports on your own or playing sports in a group?

Sample Answer

Well, there are a number of underlying differences between individual sports and team sports, but one of the most obvious differences may be that the success and failure of team sports relies on many factors, like conflict management, effective communication, od cooperation, and so on. Whether the team has the best player doesn’t matter that much, and the final success always comes from the cooperation of the whole team. On the other hand, individual sport players totally count on themselves no matter what happens. Thus, individual sports require players to have great self-discipline, focus and passion.


3. Why do people need to play sports?

Sample Answer

Obviously, people can benefit a lot from playing sports. It’s sort of a com-mon sense that playing sport can tone up our bodies, and shape our fig-ures. Besides that, another great feature of playing sport is that it is a social activity. It brings people together. For example, during playing a sport, we are forced to interact with people, either team members or opponent. In that case, after the sport, people will usually be invited to have a cup of coffee or enjoy a meal together. That will be a perfect chance to make new friends.


6. Talk about a kind of food you usually eat on a special occasion

You should say:

what it is

when and where you usually eat it

how it is prepared

and explain why this food is important for the occasion.

Sample Answer

I would like to talk about Zongzi, which is also called rice dumpling. It is a well-known traditional Chinese food made of sticky rice, stuffed with different kinds of fillings and wrapped by reed leaves.


We usually eat it on Dran Boat Festival at home with our family members coz it’s a kind of a tradition in our country. Besides that, making Zongzi is kind of traditional family event, and everyone helps out. First of all, we will prepare for the fillings which is the most important part of this food. We usually use sticky rice to mix with other ingredients, like red bean, salted duck egg, taro and so on, depending on what kind of flavor you like. The preference of fillings varies from region to region. Finally, we usually use reed leaves to wrap up the fillings, and then steam or boil it for several hours.


Eating Zongzi is one of the oldest customs on Dran Boat festival coz Chinese people commemorate the death of Qu Yuan, a famous patriotic poet from the kingdom of Chu. At the time, he drowned himself into Miluo river because of the collapse of his kingdom. In order to prevent fish from eating his body, people fed those fish with Zongzi. That’s why eating Zongzi is one of the most important traditions on this festival.


Part 3

1. Why do Chinese people like eating dumplings? What does it mean?

Sample Answer

As far as I know, one of the most important reasons why Chinese people like to eat dumpling is that it looks similar to ancient Chinese ld or silver ints which represents od fortune. At the same time, making dumpling is also a kind of traditional family activity during the Chinese New Year. We usually put a lucky coin in one of the dumplings. Whoever eats the lucky dumpling is considered well-blessed in the new year.  

2. Do you think it is a od thing to have a meal with families every day?  

Sample Answer

Absolutely. Nowadays, everyone is busy with study and work. We don’t have many chances to catch up with one another or have a heart-to-heart conversation without any distractions. Plus, I believe everyone understand that communication plays a major role in a happy family, so sitting down for family meals can be a great opportunity to share our ideas and feelings with our family.  

3. Why do people need to play sports?

Sample Answer

First of all, if people can successfully grow a plant, what they receive in re-turn is not only a plant, but also a great sense of fulfillment. Plus, growing plants is very complicated and troublesome. Most of plants just requires growers to water them regularly. Maybe that’s another important reason why people like planting by themselves.


7. Describe a happy moment that you had recently You should say:

When this happened

What the event was

Who was with you

And explain why you felt happy


Sample Answer

Well, I can still remember many happy moments, and among them I would like to mention the event that I can still remember vividly. One day, my teacher told me I t full scholarship of my dream university. On hearing the news, I cried happy tears. I spent almost a month with great anxiety preparing my application. I started speculating so many things and many of them were negative. I could hardly stop worrying about the result. The consequence would play a crucial role for my further development, because I was raised up in a working-class family, and my college admission would depend on full scholarship. Therefore, I hardly sleep well the night before the result being announced.


The result came out at around 11.00 am and I realized that I did exception-ally well. All friends were truly happy for me. I was extremely excited. At that moment, I was so relieved that I literally shouted out. Then I came back home and told the od news to my parents. They were very proud of me. We held a celebration and all my friends had come to celebrate this great moment in my life. Definitely, I will never forget the big moment in my life.


Part 3

1. Do people work better when they are happy?

Sample Answer

Well, I strongly believe people may work better when they are happy. This is because nobody is in charge of your happiness except yourself. While some work environments are difficult, if you keep happy, you can conquer any difficulty. Furthermore, new research confirms what ogle already knows that greater employee happiness results in higher productivity. Economists carried out a number of experiments to test the idea that happy employees work harder. In the laboratory, they found happiness made people about 12 percent more productive.


2. Does money bring more happiness?

Sample Answer

Well, in my life experience, money is not always the driving force behind someone’s happiness. I know many people who have low income that still live each day with a smile on their face and in their heart. So, why is that? Some would say it’s because they have a strong relationship with d. Others may say it’s because they are doing what they love.


3. What changes in people’s live increase their happiness?

Sample Answer

Well, many changes in people’s lives increase their happiness. Initially, accompanying families will increase happiness definitely. Currently, majority of people are busy with piles of works. They have no time to be with their families, but real happiness is to spend time with family. Whenever you get involved into troubles, your families will support you. I think people should change their schedule to set aside more time for family activities.


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